Friday 13 January 2017

Movie Ideas


*Film is set over a full year*


Narrator talks about how Christmas is the best time of the year
Christmas music
Christmas morning
Happy kids opening presents
House looks happy and warm
Narrator says "But this isn't my family, this is my family"
Happy music dies and fades into sad music
Sad house that looks cold and grey with only a few decorations
The children look disappointed and the mother looks sad
Main character enters
Character is visibly upset about Christmas


Shots of main character looking angry and frustrated in bedroom
Shot of main character being jealous about others having a nice Christmas
Begins to steal and commit other minor crimes, progressively getting more serious


(1 year from beginning of movie)
The same family are having a nice Christmas similar to the first family at the beginning of movie
Shot of police car pulling up outside house
Police knock at door



Teenage boy walking to a bus stop and everything seems normal
Boy gets onto bus and buys ticket only to realise he is £1 short
He tells the driver this and the driver tells him that he will then have to calculate the 'blood payment'
The boy looks very nervous and worried and the the ears of the other passengers seem to pick up
The boy is told he has to slice his finger before being allowed on the bus and is provided with a blade



A group of students are seen to be discussing the preparation for a movie shoot
One character is being told off by the others for bringing poor costumes and props
The dialog in the film explains that the group are going an island to shoot a short film for school


The group board a boat to take them to the island only to be greeted by an unusual sailor
The sailor tells the group of Pagan traditions and  the significance of the island
He explains that today is the day of Samhain (a pagan harvest festival)
The boys laugh off the stories of sacrifice and spirits
The group are given a drink by the sailor to help with sea-sickness
The group arrive at the island and begin to start walking, discussing ideas for shots
|One member of the group mentions how the sailor was quite weird and made him feel uneasy and the others agree
A long shot show the boys looking quite ill, all standing beside each other with the sailor walking up the hill behind them


The group begin to be violently ill and collapse as 3 figures appear over the horizon
As the sailor comes from behind the group, he begins to say a prayer in a Celtic / Irish language
The 3 figures get closer and it becomes clear that they have weapons
One boy cries out for help but none comes
The group are then sacrificed (shown with fast-paced shots and quick editing, cutting between the boys, the pagan figures and some sort of graves)

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