Wednesday 10 May 2017

The Film


Evaluation 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real 
media products?

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Evaluation 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? 

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Evaluation 3


Questionnaire Feedback:

From the questionnaire, i was able to find out that the age of the target audience is somewhere between the ages of 16-25. This would comply with my research into similar films such as Star Wars and The Wicker Man.
Most of the people interviewed watched films very often, normally once or twice a week but hardly ever watch short or independent films. This was a good thing in my opinion as Samhain acted as an introduction to short films.

Overall, I feel as though the movie was received relatively well. Of the three audience members interviewed, none of them gave any serious criticism. All the boys interviewed seemed to really enjoy the movie, one saying it was "very professionally done" and another saying that it was very funny in parts but tense in others. One member of the audience did say that the sounds used on the island were not very well executed. This is a fair point that we were already aware of but unable to improve upon. This is because this was our first time properly using foley sounds in a movie and so were not completely familiar with the process.

The average rating given to Samhain was a solid 7.5 out of 10, which in my opinion is completely fair and reflects how successful the movie was.

Evaluation 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 

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Saturday 22 April 2017

Making Poster

Group poster inspiration work

Before making the movie poster, it would be a good idea to learn a little behind the construction. I found a time lapse video of the creation of a 'The Dark Knight Rises' poster, watching this gives me an idea of home much time and effort should be put in to the design.
This also reminded me that credits should be added  to the bottom, with a date to show the release.

My favourite types of movie posters are Compilation Posters that have depth and a lot of imagery for the audience to interpret.

Film posters used in the Star Wars series have a style which can tell the audience a story before watching it, using such attention grabbing imagery, with multiple events going on at once. This is what I aim to achieve with the creation of our film's poster. 

Star Wars posters typically have the main enemy super imposed in the background, I admire this as it looks as if the villain is watching, which is a direct link to our film. I could potentially emulate this for our poster.

Looking at these montage like posters is very exciting when done right, the posters will shape an idea in the audience's mind which will want them to go to the theatre to justify it. 

 This version of The Wicker Man poster is a similar style, but using hand drawn images. I admire the border and symmetrical sky design. I wish to adapt this technique to our poster incorporating dismal colours. To do this, I will draw images by hand, scan the drawings and convert them on to Photoshop, where they can be perfected and formatted in a fashion to grab the audiences attention.

As the film is a horror, I will need to draw some ominous pictures, such as upset skies, desolate islands, and an unnerving portrayal of the Pagan Wildmen. Using colours such as Red, Black, Grey and Deep Purple, will further help the audience indicate that the movie is associated with the horror genre.

Incorporating key images you see in the film is important when emulating this style, the light house, town, boat and the three characters will therefore feature in this poster.

Dimensions are an important factor for the poster mainly for advertisement. The movie poster will need to be a portrait image so that it is able to fit in to traditional poster holders located in areas such as bus stops, cinema walls, train stations etc.

One sheet: (27" X 41") is the dimensions of the standard movie poster. These posters are printed on a thin paper and displayed on the theatre walls. The next most commonly used movie posters size is 40" X 60" these posters are larger, but still come in a portrait format. This size of poster is typically used for advertisements on bus shelters and train stations.